Mapping Soverin Hill

This week in maths we have been leaning about mapping. I have learnt about the compuse scale and ledgend.

We have made dioramas of Soveregin Hill in the 1850s then we maped  them. Here are some direction that I made to move through our diorama of Ballarat.

Here is my directions to get from one side of our diorama to the other.

How would you get from one side to the other.

2 thoughts on “Mapping Soverin Hill

  1. harveycbgs says:

    Hi Ananya,

    I really enjoyed the map. It was really clear and easy to understand. I like that gave clear instructions. The key is really understandable.
    Keep commenting.


  2. Miss Dube says:

    Ananya it is really obvious that you have put a lot of work into this unit. Your mapping posts regularly include extra detail and elements, making them unique.
    I know some people who have a really good sense of direction and at any point they are very confident with the north, south, east and west around them. I am not one of these people. I just recognise east as being where the sun rises and west as being where it sets at the end of the day. As for north and south, I get confused. I wonder if you will be one of those people who are really good with directions??
    Miss Dube

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