The 1000 year old boy

Hi, This term has bean great for book chat and my favourite Book this term was the 1000 year old boy by Ross Welford. It book is a Family and friendship book with plenty of character but you have to watch out because the perspective changes through out the book.

The book is a bout two  boys. The first Alfie had an acsident when he was young with his cat allowing him and the cat to get to 1000. The other boy is Aidan ho moves into a new house next to a little girls call Roxy and they help Alfie through the modern world.

I liked this book because it always kept me on edge and had a great storyline. It kept me on edge because it is a very eventful book but quite complex. It had a great story line because it never gave anything away and was quite a complex read and I recommend it for years 4 and up.

What was your favorite book?Why?

Best books

My favourite books are fantasy books because of the feeling the impossible would be over the page (I also love dragons and other mythical creatures). I like seres like wings of fire and the last dragon chronicles.

My favourite book chat book this year was when the mountains roared. It is a great animals and adventure book set in the Himalayas about saving snow leopards in the mountains.

What are your favourite types of books fantasy,Adventure, animals, whats yours?